Whoever you are but fear is something that you can’t escape to. It comes to you in many forms. One of the common fear amongst people is public speaking and stats suggest 77% people in this world have Glossophobia (an anxiety for public speaking).
For me, being a CEO, public speaking was one of the key skill to have but I was too introvert, shy and was having some level of anxiety. First time when I had to speak, I prepared a lot and most of it was mental preparation. Due to my anxiety, it was an “I can’t” attitude that I was surrounded with whenever there was an opportunity of speaking.
Within I had a strong fear and self doubt about my performance and I never wanted to shorten my image. I never wanted to perform badly so it was very challenging for me to assure myself for the best performance.
Here my manifestation helped me. I talked to my subconscious for the result and lived the clap in my imagination, many times, manifested a satisfactory first performance and that boosted my confidence a lot.
Below are a few photos from the first address and you can find lack of confidence in my body language, hands are in the pocket, not much eye contacts, a stressed face.

Although overall, I did well that day. Moreover, I noted what I have to improve for the next time however I was satisfied that I at least delivered (this first step was very important for me). At the end of the talk, clapping filled the place and that’s what I manifested in my imagination.
Since then I focused a lot on improving my addressing a gathering and that helped me in my overall personality and leadership.
I emphasize that Public speaking is a must to have skill for all leaders.
Fear is real but face it because it’s defeatable. Take one step forward and deliver your first speech and experience the power of praise by audiences. This will boost you to put your second step forward and then you would soon realize that you actually have traveled miles.
All the best 👍